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The Great Diamond

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:44 pm

"so now Xero its your turn to Return whit your Bale fire".And Xero came out, and looked after Nergal." You know this will wipe them out of history all together, right Nergal".Yeah I know Xero, do it".And Xero held his hand up, and A big collum of light came on Xero, and then a wall of flame came down, and blasted into the Fel´s, and there was nothing left, but smoking hands on Nergal.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:12 pm

(Comrade I have to go...Dont like to kepp you waiting. Rest well.)

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:14 pm

night my friend

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:42 pm

Rolego looked at the devestaion of the what was left of the Fel....unamused...Rolego walked next to Nergal and pointed at the black spot....piece....by piece.....it began to reform....and soon there was enough peieces there to gain an arm....then a leg....then another arm....Rolego pulled both Nergal and MAlty back and looked around...

"You cannot simply kill them....They can be only killed if the one healer they have is found....and the healer can do this for the Fel's....from miles away....we wont be able to both get to it and protect the city or warm Folor.,,,we will have to hold them off....and one of us will have to go to warm Folor."
Malty was the first step in....he knew exactly where to go since this was where he was trianed.
"I will warn Folor that the devils are here. You and Nergal try to stall....Rolego....we both know what has to be done in order to defend this place....NErgal had already started fires in the town. Nergal....you will have to use every other tactic eccept for fire....I dont want this town going up in flames."
Then Malty was off in a flash....literally bounding from building to building....and pretty soon he was at the castle gates and bounder through the first window he saw.
"FOLOR!!! They are here!!"
"Yes I gathered.....how many...?
Folor was on his throne...with his head resting on his wrist....he looked extremly stressed.MAlty stepped forward and sat down.
"There is only one...but the healer is no where to be seen. We also checked the area for any other persons....we did not find any. But there is a child still out the with ROlego and Nergal....do you have anytype of forces to retrieve him!?"
Folor gave a shake to his head.
"Sorry my friend all of my forces are either patroling the country side or at the seal....the rest of my soldiers are in here defending my people....you must understand Malty....I cannot do much more to help..." Malty then looked at the ground with some dissapoint ment and gave a nod of understanding...."Then I must ask....for 1 soldier....all I need is one."
Folor let his head up a little to look at Malty trying to fnd out his intensions....but gave a nod and a wave of his hand....a soldier saluted and ran to MAlty...whom immediatly threw the soldier on his back.
"Thank you Folor. He will be back as well as the child..."
Folor gave a nod to MAlty and the soldier..."You two better not get killed....I already see flames in my city...I pray we all will have a city after this."
Malty gave a nod and gave a small "Come on.." And bounded out of the window he used to get in....a few seconds later he saw that Rolego and Nergal were both fighting....but the child was no where in sight....Malty frantically looked around and heard Rolego's voice.
Malty the boy is in the shed directly behind us!! MAke sure that he is okay!!! MAlty and the soldier both gave a nod and landed in front of the gate with a pound...dust flew from where they landed....the boy slowly cralwed out and grabbed onto the pelt of MAlty.
"I want to go home!!!"
Malty placed the child in the soldiers arms and brought them to the castle steps.
"Hurry soldier!!! If you dont get there in time you both will be slaughtered!!!!"
"Sure thing Sir!!"
The soldier toss the boy on his back like a piggy back ride and began to take his running steps to the doors....MAlty placed a small speed spell...and the soldier was off in a quick manner....
You better hurry....I dont know where the Healer is.....it could be anywhere...

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:02 pm

And Nergal smiled a sinister smile, that gave the bouth Fels butterflies into their stomack´s."So you wanna fight I see".He said in a more Sinister voice, and out of his body came Ken, he looked at them whit madness in his eyes." I live to fight, I hunger for Fel blood, and here you are to satisfy my thirst for blood, and an endles flow of it to."He took his sword, and cut one arm of, and it grew back, cut a body in half, and it grew back he was literly cuting them to pices, drenched in blood, this was a new figure Nergal had gotten just now, when he was in mood for fighting, and he looked at Rolego, whit a sick smile."You´ll go and find that healer, ill play whit those two, while your at it, its long time since I have played like this". And the fel´s looked at him in shook, they were bloodthirst yes, but he was hungering for so much more blood, that it flowed the road, and he laughted while he did so.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:14 pm

Rolego was already on the hunt for the other Fel. HE could barely sense where it was....just barley....it was very close as well....but what scared him was that it was nearing the castle....Then Rolego thought of something....
"Oh...no...." The Fel could be in the very place the child was sent for refuge...the castle. HE turned his head to Nergal....and gave a long roar!!!
Malty was down with Nergal....He threw spell after spell...fire, ice,water,earth, even threw diffrent light and dark spells.....just trying to save time.
Every time.....the creature built itself.....MAlty then took his role of healer and began to place barriors and heals on Nergal when needed.
"Nergal if thigs get to rough tell me!! I will do what I can!"

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:23 pm

And Nergal giggled." Ken wont be tierd anytime soon".He said, and looked at Malty." you just keep the other one away from me, as it is, can you uhum splater it once more, so it will take more time for it to come back to life, so Rolego can find the healer, say me Malty, the healers they cant be small can they".

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:36 pm

Malty rolled his eyes and let his shadow magic speak for him. At first it swirld....and it lashed out like a whip. Tearing and slicing anything with its reach. Buidlings actually crumbled....

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:51 pm

"Its only that, the um boy seamed so realy od, in some places, do you think it could be the Fel disgused like a boy".And he cut one leg of his fel oponent so it fell on the road, on its own blood, and Garm looked at Malty, as he cut an arm that reached towards Malty, just a split second it went throught Malty.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:26 pm

MAlty gave a small wince at that....he did not know. That has never happened before. But Malty was snapped out of his mind as he felt a very painful ram in his ribs. Catpulting him into a building. He rebounded off the stone wall and staggered to stand.
He gave a small burst of blck magin com from his mouth and into the stomach of the Fel. Which knocked it back a few inches....it actually slid.
But it ran at MAlty again. Malty with the cross moved with blinding speed to move out of the way goung up and on a small house.
"Nergal talking is not well right now. Try to concentrate!"

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:40 pm

And Nergal Giggled."Forgot you use your brain Malty". and he giggled again, at this, how could he come up whit silly comments, while fighting A fel, that wanted to rip him to shreads.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:05 pm

(I have to go now Comrade. Rest well.)

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:07 pm

Yeah goodnight my friend

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:53 pm

Malty was in no mood for games. Especially with Nergal. The Fel was more important. Malty calmed his mind and relaxed. And when his eyes snapped open his inner rage that had been in his for thosands of years....had finally been released. He began to shine with a bright light...the aur began to twister around him. Thins were beging thrown around like they were toys.

"Nergal I have an idea....let your demon out to the point that you have barley to no control. We both may not be able to cut him down. But We are able to obliterate him. Use your strongest attack I will do the same....A healer wont be able to do much when the thing it tries to heal is no more."

Malty then began to hover in the spot his was in. Black markings almost like if they were painted began to stream on his pelt. from his eyes they began to turn to only a dark ruby red color. He had grown another 2 feet. He was standing at around 6 feet. With white magic swiling around him like a tornado.

"Nergal Ready?" The Fel had just finished fixing it self and was now charging at Malty and Malty with a wave of his paw forced the monster back and up in the air.


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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:04 pm

And Nergal looked at him."You know my Demon is Fire".And Nergal let his Demon control him, and he let his Demon take control, it was a monster of brutal streanght."His all your´s Xero".And he looked at the Fell, and then he raised his hand to the stars, and from the stars he drew fire, and said one word." Bell Fire". And a wall of fire exploded at the Fell too, and there was nothing, no dust, not anything, but now Xero was out and he was blazing like an inferno, and his body was fire, but Nergal could be seen from whitin, and he blasted the other Fell to, whit minimum damage to the city, that would say about a 6 buildings were gone to dust.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:07 pm

But there was not timne. Malty then went to the Castle. He had to seen anything or heard from Rolego. Which concernd him.
"Nergal. Hurry We ned to get Rolego. He may need our help."

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:28 pm

And Nergal changed back, and jumped on Malty´s back." lead the way Malty, were you think he is my friend, and we´ll find him".

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:32 pm

Malty gave a nod and bolted to the castle doors. Breaking them down.
"Rolego!!! ....Rolego?"
Rolego was on his back.....being tickled by the child he thought was the bad one.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:36 pm

And Nergal came over."This is no Fell Malty,he wuldent do this, do you think Malty". He looked at Rolego."Are yuo finished playing Rolego, we got us a healer to find".

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:42 pm

Malty made himself smaller...but confused.
"Rolego why are you here like this?
"The fel was here...look at the throne."
MAlty looked up at the throne....it was not gold....it was as black as night.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:45 pm

"Do you say the king was a Fell Rolego, or what are you impleying hm".He looked at him, like a big questionmark.

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:57 pm

Rolego gave a small laugh and stood to lick Nergal on the head.
"No. It was the throne. It then broke out of the window."
Rolego pointed at the window....there was a perfect cirlcle in the window.
"It also took one of the kings gold crowns.....I dont know why...but the king nor I is offended.:

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:59 pm

(Will be right back., Running to store with family.)

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Garmurin Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:07 pm

"But those Fell´s wont bother us anymore, but um I am sorry Rolego".Said Nergal, and backed a bit away from Rolego."The town isent in to good a shape".He looked at Malty for help." I let my demon out, you know Xero".

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The Great Diamond - Page 10 Empty Re: The Great Diamond

Post  Admin Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:33 pm

Rolego placed a paw on Nergal's head and smiled.
"You know this is not the first time you destroyed half the town....." Rolego chuckled. "You are fine...the Fels would have probably had done more damage than you. So dont worry I am pretty sure Folor would understand...maybe."

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